Few require too much skill or effort, though, making crafted articles a common sight at market, their quality, if not quite their appearance, being hardly distinguishable from that of regularly produced goods. Others require crystals, concoctions, and alchemy to produce. Some of these are little more than refinements on the base materials. A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal electrum. Loot from monsters and the like are crafted into articles fit for sale. To avoid potential loss of inventory, it is best to sell the exact quantity of loot required for each package all at once excess does not carry over and count toward the next bazaar package. Due to the Final Fantasy XIV Gil trading limit, the max tradable Gil per time is 1M (1,000,000). It is better to put an item on the trading window. In order to trade fast, it would be better if you do not enter dungeons/trails/raids right after placing a FF14 Gil order.
(Any merchant will suffice all are connected to the same system.) Do not use a free trial account to trade.

Final Fantasy has been released for numerous platforms, and different glitches relating to equipment exist across the versions.
Upon selling specific quantities of loot to merchants, it is assembled/synthesized into special packages and put up for sale in the bazaar. The equipment bugs are a series of bugs found in various games in the series, most notably in the original Final Fantasy and in the Advance version of Final Fantasy IV.

Bazaar goods can be anything from sets of items at discounted prices to rare pieces of equipment you won’t see anywhere else, kupo.” “The more loot you sell, the more bazaar goods you’re like to come across.