
Upper volta 1951
Upper volta 1951

Based on the soil studies and crop adaptation patterns to toposequence land types, certain modifications to the present cropping systems and cultural practices are proposed to developed more stable and sustainable production systems for upland areas in particular. The cropping systems vary simultaneously among different land types. French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo and. The local agriculture will often permanently occupy the lower slopes and lowland fields, whereas the higher fields will be in fallow systems. Odei, M.A., 1961: A review of the distribution and snail hosts of bilharziasis in West Africa. The lowland soils are generally the most fertile but may suffer from occasional waterlogging. By contrast, the soils of the lower slopes are more fertile and their moisture availability is more assured.

upper volta 1951

Once the permanent vegetation has been removed, these soils tend to develop dense surface crusts which reduce moisture infiltration, thereby increasing runoff and erosion as well as the risks of drought. Toward the end of the film, the motion becomes more violent the stem begins to break, the lower part returns to the surface, while the upper part follows.

upper volta 1951

Owing to their low initial fertility, most soils of uplands and upper and mid-slopes are prone to rapid degradation when cultivation is intensified and fallow periods are shortened due to growing populations and the presence of growing animal herds. Morphological, chemical and mineralogical soil data are presented for the major toposequence land types easily recognized in the landscape. On 14 October 1983 Burkina Faso (then known as Upper Volta) and Mali notified to the Court a Special Agreement referring to a Chamber. Three toposequences representing different stages in the degradation process were studied for the Sudanian Savanna zone of Burkina Faso. Learn more about our global activities in 2021 and how our critical work in 65+ countries worldwide continued to.

Upper volta 1951